The Jaca Basketball Club launches its APP – La Mañana en Jaca

The CB Jaca has started 2022 on the highest. On January 2, the Jacetano club announced on its social networks the launch of its own application. This project, which has been behind many months of work, is the result of a great commitment to innovation and technology. With it, CB Jaca is positioned as one of the pioneers in this field at the national level.

Its president, Carlos Iralde, explains the great step that this application means: “We are proud to be able to continue improving day after day, this is one more step towards our objectives.” “Even so, we are not satisfied and we want more, we are already underway with new projects,” he concludes.

The application has been designed entirely by people from the club itself; Diego Palacín, cadet player, and Javier Palacín, club treasurer. For this reason, this launch also shows that on many occasions “the good is at home”. The club greatly appreciates the great work done by both.

The application can be downloaded from the day of its launch on the Play Store and is available for Android. In it you can find all the news of the club; photos of matches, chronicles, scorers, announcements, news and much more.


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