The DPT supports Gonzalo Sánchez in his participation in the Spanish Superbike Championship

The young rider Gonzalo Sánchez will once again promote the province of Teruel by wearing the Tourism logo of the Diputación de Teruel (DPT) #SienteTeruel on the kit with which he will contest the Spanish Superbike Championship. The sporting event will begin on April 2 at the Jérez Ángel Nieto circuit and will feature various tests, including in Motorland de Alcañiz. The president of the DPT, Manuel Rando, has shown his support for the motorcyclist, has congratulated him on his achievements and has received from Teruel a dedicated T-shirt in gratitude to the provincial institution.

The president has valued the effort, dedication and passion of the young man and has transmitted to him that the DPT will continue to support and sponsor his participation in the national championship: “We believe in him, in sport and the values ​​that he fosters in all youth”, For Rando, Gonzalo Sánchez is a “symbol of a young person who comes from a land full of opportunities, such as the province of Teruel, from where all objectives can be met, and who has to go hand in hand with individual effort and team collective ”.

A fact that is reflected in the sports field with the results obtained by him and other clubs such as Teruel Volleyball or athletes who have achieved victories, Rando has cited, such as Javier Zaera, Spanish champion in cyclo-cross category Sub-23 ; Javier Marta, Spanish Senior Badminton Champion in Doubles; Manuel González, Spanish 10K champion in the M-55 category; Marco Álvarez, provincial marathon record; Raúl Guimera, Spanish Hard Enduro champion in junior category, etc.

Gonzalo Sánchez has already carried the #SienteTeruel brand of the DPT Tourism area during 2021 on the speed circuits of Spain, wearing the logo on his equipment in the Spanish Speed ​​Championship in the Supersport 300 cc category. This promising 13-year-old was proclaimed Mediterranean Speed ​​Champion of the Yamaha 125 bLU Cup and was able to compete, being the youngest rider, in all three races of the Spanish Speed ​​Championship, in the Superbike Junior category.

Sánchez has thanked the DPT for the support received during the past year and to continue having it during the season of this 2022. His purpose is to play the complete Spanish Championship and place himself in the top positions. “A fairly ambitious goal is to be among the top five in the general classification, but for that you have to work hard and make an effort,” he commented. The rider will start the Spanish Superbike Championship on April 2 at the Jérez Ángel Nieto circuit and between the different tests, he will be measured at home on July 23 and 24 at MotorLand Aragón.

Gonzalo Sánchez is fulfilling his dream of becoming a motorcycle racer, a passion he discovered from a young age. He raced in the PromoAragón to later go on to compete in the ETG OHVale, becoming runner-up in 2019. In 2020 he combined the same category with the Yamaha 125R Cup, once again reaching the runner-up in the first and finishing fourth in the second, in a year marked by the pandemic in which the races could not be held normally.


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