The best photos of the Roryal Family of 2021

Between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah Winfrey, Prince Philip’s funeral and the continuing difficulties dictated by the pandemic, 2021 was not an easy year for the royal family. There regina Elisabetta, Carlo, Camilla, William e Kate Middleton they did not lose heart and made a common front without ever forgetting their institutional duties. Between official visits and inaugurations, there was also time for some surprising meetings. To find out which ones, let’s go over this together 2021 through the best photos of the royal family.

The best photos of the royal family in 2021

Earlier this year, the UK was still in full pandemic like much of the world. Of necessity a virtue, the royals continued to virtually carry out their duties. Here, the Duchess of Cambridge speaks to Holocaust survivors and young Holocaust Educational Trust ambassadors to celebrate Remembrance Day.

The best photos of the royal family in 2021

In March 2021, Prince Harry and Meghan shocked viewers around the world with their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey. The Sussexes have chosen to talk about everything from mental health to accusations of racism to why they chose to step back from the royal family.

The best photos of the royal family in 2021

Shortly after Prince Philip’s death, Prince Charles and Camilla visited the gardens of Marlborough House to see the flowers and messages left by their subjects in honor of the Duke of Edinburgh.

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