The Benavente City Council offers a multi-adventure activity in the Tera Valley

The City Council of Benavente informs from its Department of Youth the organization of a new multi-adventure activity through the Tera Valley where participants can enjoy the natural environment while practicing sports such as climbing, archery or a canoe route to across the Tera River aimed at people over 18 years of age.

The activity, free of charge, will take place next Saturday, February 19, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. where a collection point for participants will be set up in the city. The activity will have an itinerary through the Tera Valley beginning with a visit to the Castro de las Labradas, between the towns of Arrabalde and Villaferrueña and subsequent development of a climbing and rappelling activity.

Later, the participants will visit the Petavonium Roman Camp in Santibáñez de Vidriales, where they will practice archery and javelin throwing in the purest Roman style. Continuing with the route, the participants will arrive at Camarzana de Tera where the Villa Romana Orpheus awaits them, an important archaeological site before heading to the last activity of this tour that will take the participants to make a canoe route through the Tera River. between the towns of Santa Marta de Tera and Santibáñez de Tera lasting half an hour. At the end of the activity, there will be a small lunch before returning to Benavente.

Those interested can register for free at the Punto Joven in Benavente or by calling 606 72 80 51 until February 14. The maximum number of places for this activity is 12. All trips for this activity will be carried out in vans and the materials used for their development are correctly approved. From the organization of the activity they recommend that the participants come with comfortable clothes and plan to bring a change of clothes as they can get wet.


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