Tennis | The ATP Cup is not Davis

The Spanish team has gotten into the ATP Cup semi-finals for the third time in a row, just the same years as the event. Without Reef Nadal in the group, and also without Carlos Alcaraz placeholder image, so much Roberto Bautista What Pablo Carreño, already trained in these tasks, have taken the lead with strength and count their singles as victories: three out of three. This Friday he will face Hubert Hurkacz’s Poland for a place in a final that he already played and lost two years ago to la Serbia by Novak Djokovic, the same rival that Spain beat this Thursday to finish off the first phase, although this time without his number one, who has not been able to play due to his well-known problems with vaccination, which have become a matter of state in Australia… And in a farce.

While it resolves Djokovic’s bizarre situation, the competition continues on various fronts of the country. Bautista and Carreño tune for him primer Grand Slam in this ATP Cup, while trying to add the relevant tournament to their record. At this point, it is good to refresh memories about the meaning of this title. The ATP Cup is a carbon copy of the Davis Cup, but it lacks the officiality of Davis as a competition by countries, because it leaves the Federations on the sidelines. That is why the captain is not Sergi Bruguera, otherwise Thomas Carbonell. As stated in article 33.2 of the Sports Law, “Spanish sports federations will represent Spain in international competitions.” And it is not the case. The ATP Cup is a fresh and attractive tournament, but without the centuries-old tradition of the Davis, symbolized in his Salad bowl, whatever the format. Once this point has been clarified, and at this point in the film, you want to win it, of course you do … Although this Davis clone is not the Davis. And although it is competitive Spain is not officially Spain.


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