Summer 2022: Ate starts workshops with more than 20 activities | News

The Municipality of Ate has organized the “2022 Fun Summer Workshops”, with more than 20 sports and artistic activities that will be held in a decentralized manner in the 7 areas of the district, which will begin this Monday, January 10.

Boys and girls from 6 years of age onwards may register in the three Municipal Agencies: Huaycán, Santa Clara and Salamanca.

Also in the district’s Cultural Center, the Youth House and the Sports Complexes located in Invermet, Huaycán, Sol de Santa Clara, Ollantaytambo Stadium, Mayorazgo, Los Angeles and in the José Olaya sports hall in Salamanca.

The municipality informed that it will have the participation of ex-footballer José Luis “El Puma Carranza”, who will supervise the development of the workshops; besides the first national actor Reynaldo Arenas; who will be in charge of the Children’s Theater Workshop and theater for adults at the Centro Culturas de Ate.

Among the sports practices for this summer season the disciplines of karate, volleyball, boxing, women’s soccer and badminton will be offered, in the handicraft workshops there will be work in recycling, fofucha, crochet; likewise, art and culture will be present with ballet, salsa, impro – clown, ukulele, organ, zampoña, northern marinera, zumba, singing, drawing and painting, artistic muralization and oratory.

Limited capacity and ample spaces have been foreseen for each activity where the classes are held; Likewise, in all workshops before, during and after, priority will be given to the Biosafety Protocols. The cost of the workshops is social.

For information and registration, you can go to the Municipal Agencies, the Cultural Center and the Ollantaytambo Stadium or otherwise call the phones: 936 473 249, 941 215 985 and 953 378 769.

More in Andina


Posted: 1/4/2022



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