Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant lead the first count for the NBA All Star Game

SStephen Curry and Kevin Durant lead voting for the All Star Game de la NBA after the first count performed. The base of the Warriors is the absolute leader with more than 2.5 million votes, while the forward of the Nets commands the Eastern Conference exceeding 2.3. They, along with LeBron James and Giannis Antetokounmpo They are the only four that currently exceed two million.

Luka Doncic, second-most voted outsider in the Western Conference, has received more than 787,000 votes and will be a starter. Next to him would also be the four players mentioned, Nikola Jokic, Paul George, DeMar DeRozan, James Harden y Joel Embiid.

Kyrie Irving and Klay Thompson, unplayed votes

The presences of Kyrie Irving and of Klay Thompson. The Nets guard, who just played his first game this season, is the sixth most voted outside player in the East, while the Warriors guard, who could return this Sunday after two years injured, is the fourth with the most votes. in the West.

This season’s NBA All Star will be held in Cleveland on February 20 and the headlines will be released on January 27.


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