Rozzano, violent dispute in the street: two brothers stabbed. One is dying

The carabinieri at the scene of the attack

Rozzano (Milan), January 16, 2021 – The attackers are run away after reducing dying one of the two siblings, stabbed at the height of a violent quarrel. The call to 118 came a few minutes after 6pm from via Mimose: a group of Moroccans was arguing. In a few moments they went from insults to physical violence: with baseball bats and sticks the six compatriots beat each other, then a couple took out the knives and they hit the two brothers, one twenty years old, which has suffered superficial wounds, smeared by the blades, and the other, slightly larger, which is instead in desperate conditions, brought in red code to the Humanitas hospital.

It is a hunt for the attackers who, after creating panic in the street, have fled and lost their tracks. THE carabinieri of the Corsico Company they are listening to the testimonies, starting with that of their brother, and trying to reconstruct the motive of the violent quarrel, probably a settling of scores. “This area has long been the place of shop in the sunlight – the mayor clarified the scenario Gianni Ferretti, who intervened in via Mimose -. We can no longer tolerate these episodes and be left to fend for ourselves. I will write to prefect to ask for an increase in the police force “.


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