Romain Langasque: “I can’t wait to resume the tournaments”

How do you judge this new Yas Links route?

It is a very pleasant course to play. It is rather wide from the start overall and the real difficulty will come from the flag positions. Some areas are very well defended and some positions will be really tricky on these curved greens. Maintenance level we are at the top, nothing to complain about.

The wind should be the judge of the peace on this course, what should we expect this week?

The weather forecast predicts a lot of wind for Friday. Otherwise it will be generally constant every other day with a windy club but nothing too crazy. The only thing is that we did all the reconnaissance parts with a wind coming from a certain direction and that it will blow completely in the opposite direction from Thursday… So we will have to readjust a little in relation to the benchmarks that we will have taken.

How do you feel at the dawn of this new year?

I feel good, my game is getting stronger. Now I also know that it’s been seven weeks since I’ve played, so these tournaments at the start of the year allow us to know a little more precisely where we are. But I feel really good and I can’t wait to get back to tournaments. Especially since I have a new caddy, Mark Duffy (former co-pilot among others of Victor Dubuisson), with whom I am starting a collaboration. It’s going very well and I’m delighted to have him on my team.



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