Real Madrid: The warmth of Ceballos before taking the field against Alcoyano




QThere were only four minutes until the end of the game when at last Ceballos jumped to the grass of The Collao instead of Rodrygo. He had been warming up in the band for a long time. This fact, together with the little game that he had left with the sentenced game, was the reason why perhaps the ex-bico left some gesture of anger and rudeness that captured the images of The Golazo de Gol.

Ceballos is warming up as the change is not carried out and he is seen chatting with Ancelotti y Chendo, the team delegate, with gestures of indignation. The player had gotten up from the bench after chatting with Davide Ancelotti but Carletto asked him to wait a bit. It was when he made an angry gesture to return to his place. However, he only had to wait a minute after being called this time by Ancelotti himself, who after giving him encouragement and some instruction I entered the field with Vallejo, which replaced Alaba.

The heater of Ceballos It is typical of a footballer who has been waiting for this moment for a long time. The Sevillian was injured on July 22 in the first game of the JJ.OO and Tokyo and he has suffered and worked hard to return almost seven months later. Ancelotti has highlighted the work of his player, who is showing himself with great enthusiasm in training and who has finally been able to play again with the white club shirt. The technician is convinced that he can contribute a lot in this second part of the season where all the titles are going to be played and the load of matches and the demand of the calendar will be maximum.



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