Reactions to Djokovic’s verdict: pepper spray against sympathizers

MElbourner nights are long. At first they start very slowly, but then – they get very, very long, especially for Novak Djokovic and his followers. Although this is nothing unusual at normal times, the Serbian tennis professional has often played tennis in the Rod Laver Arena in the so-called night session.

But the times are not normal and the Australian Open has not even started, so that the world number one does not hit balls over the net late at night, but speaks up on social networks. “I am happy and grateful that the judge has withdrawn the revocation of my visa. Despite everything that has happened so far, I want to stay here and try to play at the Australian Open, “wrote Djokovic on Instagram and showed photos from the first training session with coach Goran Ivanisevic on Australian soil:” I can’t say more than thank everyone who stood by me and encouraged me to stay strong. “

Can you imagine Djokovic hitting balls for an hour in Melbourne Park? Relieved to be able to move freely again? It can be. But it can also be that he has to pack his things, leave the country and not come back for three years. Because after the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia in the form of Judge Anthony Kelly had initially decided on Monday to reverse the refusal of the Serbian visa, Immigration Minister Alex Hawke then had the last word, and he postponed the decision to next day.

Things are going haywire in Australia these days, and not just there. Not long after Djokovic’s first positive verdict had been reached, the Serb’s family announced that he should be arrested, which was immediately denied by the Australian government.



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