Pepe Martí, the Catalan who is heading towards Formula 1

Barcelona“Don’t run, but win!” This is a maxim for Pepe Martí (Barcelona, ​​2005). His mother repeats to him every day that he takes the car, not because he is not responsible behind the wheel, but because in Formula 3 and karts you have to be even more careful. Pepe is only 16 years old, but he is already part of the international formula circuit. The young driver has been driving since he was 8 years old; at the beginning of karts, and now he has made the leap to Formula 3, the small category of the Formula 1 World Championship. His goal is to reach the highest category of motorsport. Martí, however, knows that there are many barriers to overcome.

“My mom always loved Formula One and I was hooked. Over time, I realized I was passionate about it. Since we didn’t know the professional world of karting existed, we didn’t think of it as a We saw it later, when I was 10 years old, “said Martí. What started as one hobby changed in 2018. “I had it as a leisure until you realize that if you want to do it well you have to take it from a more professional level. That year we met Genís Marcó. They guided us and “I advised, and it was a giant change. I went from the Catalan competition to the international and European championship”, he explains. Marcó has been the great defender of Fernando Alonso in the world of karting and other great world-class drivers.

It’s been a while since karting left him in the background so that he can make the leap to Formula 3. With a clear goal, the Barcelona native knows what steps he must take to achieve it. “I want to get to Formula 1 like many others. I’m aware that it’s very complicated and if you look at the statistics of the last few years, a maximum of six seats have been opened in four years. to do everything very well and to have all the things put in front of you. You have to have the people behind you. Not everything depends on your results “, argues the young pilot.

Being in the motoring world has made him grow up and take on responsibilities other than those of a 16-year-old. “I have assimilated that I do not have a normal adolescence. I spend a lot of time outside and my friends know it. Obviously there are many birthdays or special dates of friends or family when I am not there. do what I love. ” He does not, however, see his adult life as premature. “Nothing came to me quickly because in the end the decision is mine. I do this because I like it and if I didn’t like it so much maybe now I would be in Barcelona teaching. I decided to make this life at the age of 13 and not me. other things have to be tried, “he said.

Pepe Martí in a Formula 3.

In addition to personal sacrifices, financial sacrifices are essential to being part of the motor world. “My parents never told me how much money a season is, and I’d rather not know, because it would scare me. [riu]. I’m lucky that we can afford it at the moment. Besides, I’ve already had the conversation and I know that if a day comes when we can’t afford it, then we can’t afford it. In the end, it’s not all that easy, unfortunately. ”

Everything, however, is worth it once you get on your car and, ever since you tried F3, even more so. “When you get out of the pits, take out the limiter and press, you see that running really. The F3 has 420 horsepower, it’s a beast. At first it makes a lot of impression. I have to confess that the first day I was in control of the car. “, laughs the pilot. As Pepe says, “there is nothing more to do than turn around” until you achieve your dream.


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