OFFICIAL: Depaoli is from Verona. He comes from Sampdoria on loan with option for redemption


Fabio Depaoli is a new player ofHellas Verona. It was made official by the Scala club itself, whose release follows that of Sampdoria. Here they are, both, with the details of the operation:

“Hellas Verona FC announces that it has acquired from UC Sampdoria – on a temporary basis until the end of the current season, with the right of option for the definitive acquisition – the sporting performances of the 24-year-old right-footed side, Fabio Depaoli, a Trentino footballer who has already to his credit 115 appearances in Serie A and that he has chosen 29 as his jersey number “.

“UC Sampdoria announces that it has temporarily transferred the rights to the football player Fabio Depaoli to Hellas Verona FC with the right of option.”



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