Novak Djokovic: Australia’s government sees the tennis star as a danger – sport mix

The negotiations for the Djokovic visa are entering the next round!

The Australian government has tightened the tone towards Novak Djokovic (34), calling him a “role model” for the anti-vaccination community.

Australian Immigration Minister Alex Hawke (44) presented new arguments against the Serbs in the judicial hearing on Saturday. For example, issuing the visa would send the wrong signal in relation to the vaccination debate in the country.

The Australian newspaper The Age quotes from the court documents. In it, the government calls Djokovic a “role model for supporters of anti-vaccination sentiment.” Djokovic’s presence could “cause anti-vaccination sentiment to shift,” Hawke said. He also considers an increase in civil unrest to be possible.

Ground: Djokovic is “a person of influence and status”. The tennis star could “encourage other people to disregard health policies in Australia.”

According to Hawke, it is about “preserving the life and health of many members of society.”

This changes the argumentation of the government. First of all, “health” reasons were given, Djokovic was a health risk as an unvaccinated person.



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