New Year’s Eve in a canoe in Naples, Gregorio Paltrinieri shows us a breathtaking view from the sea of ​​Posillipo! [VIDEO]

Sitting on a table in the middle of the sea. Gregorio Paltrinieri, silver in the 800 style and bronze in the 10 kilometers in open water at the Tokyo Olympics, he chose Naples for the New Year’s. From a unique perspective. “What an adventure …”, he tells Il Mattino after posting on Instagram the photos of the magical night spent with his girlfriend, the fencer Rossella Fiamingo, and two friends. Yes why Paltrinieri has chosen to enjoy Naples at midnight of the new year by canoe, to have a complete view of the fires of the city.

So how did it go?

“At first we weren’t sure what to do, we thought about taking a boat. But, with the sup, it would have been more adventurous … ».

So, New Year in sup. Federica Pellegrini also did not give up on the sea on this day.

«I didn’t know … We arrived around 11.30 and we reached the center of the gulf. In Posillipo we saw the fires until half past midnight. It was crazy. Beautiful, but also difficult, because it was cold and there was an incredible fog ».

Ever bathed at night?

«Never in Naples. However, I’ve been there a thousand times. It is one of my favorite cities ».

How did you find it?

“I haven’t been around much, but I always like the people and the atmosphere a lot.”

This time, even romantic. He has already said in an interview that he fell in love with Flamigni, the fencer who won two world championships and an Olympic silver.

“Yes, Rossella and I are together, the relationship is great.”

When does it leave?

“I’m leaving tomorrow for the third dose of the vaccine.”

The contagion alarm is high.

“It is justified. In this period I have tried not to see anyone and to respect all anti-Covid regulations “.

Your wish for 2022?

«That the situation, in general, can improve compared to the last two years, however beautiful from a sporting and professional point of view for the results achieved».

In sight, there are Europeans and worlds.

“A double date for me next summer. I hope to go fast ».


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