NBA: Draymond Green made bookmakers lose millions of dollars




Draymond Green did not want to miss the return of klay thompson after 941 days without playing, but his decision has had terrible consequences for some bookmakers, that they have lost millions of dollars because of the power forward’s wish to be present on the court when his partner returned.

During the pre-game warm-up, Green suffered a puncture in a calf. It would have been safe had it not been such a special occasion. Despite his ailment, the Warriors power forward wanted to start to share a track with Thompson on your return to activity. Then he would make a foul, he would go to the bench and not play anymore. The plan was revealed by the franchise itself on social networks and, as if it were not enough, ‘The Athletic’ was also echoed, one of the most reliable media in terms of NBA information.

In view of that breath given about 10 minutes before the start of the match, many were those who They bet Green finished with zero points, zero rebounds and zero assists. And so it was. He started, after seven seconds he committed a personal one and sat on the bench to never come out again. His stat sheet only reflected a foul and hundreds of bettors took big money.

The bookmakers that heard the news they quickly withdrew the possibility of putting money into Green’s statisticsBut those who didn’t are going to have to pay huge sums to the more savvy bettors.



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