Mauritanian Adama Bâ “leaves” the national team

Published on : 21/01/2022 – 01:24

Mauritanian striker Adama Bâ has decided to retire from international football after the defeat against Mali (2-0) which punishes a catastrophic first round for the Mourabitounes with three defeats in three matches. One of the main players in the revival of Mauritanian football, Bâ has thus decided to turn the page, not without bitterness and regret.

From our special correspondent in Douala,

RFI : Adama, three matches, three defeats, one elimination in the first round. Mauritania’s balance sheet is necessarily negative…

Bâ to Adam : Yes of course. We came to Cameroon to do something, unfortunately, we all missed it. Now, we will have to assume and the team will have to project itself. For the rest, concerning me, it is my last match with the national team. I spent eight good years with the national team. I thank the young people who gave me a lot of respect.

Why such a decision, at only 28 years old ?

I’m only 28, it’s true, but in the last few months I haven’t felt it. When I don’t feel things, I prefer to leave with respect, it’s always better. I was brought up like this, I respected everyone so far. I prefer to leave, because it’s time for me.

“We had created something extraordinary”

There are things that you did not like in selection?

Of course, when you lose your three matches knowing that we had come to pass … The last AFCON, we had done things well, we had scored two points. There, there is a new group, there are a lot of new players, so it is very difficult to find automatisms. The players who are there, we hardly ever played together. There is a new group and it is difficult to make the transition. These are things that happen, and today, we can bite our fingers.

Do you think it was a mistake to sack your ex-coach Corentins Martins three months before the start of the CAN?

I don’t want to take responsibility for saying that, but today the results are there. And when we take stock, it’s clear… We are disappointed, dejected. This CAN, I really have it across the throat, because frankly, we could have done something. Now I will go back to my club and wish the best to the national team. It’s my country, it’s a country I love, I’ve always given 100%. We had created something extraordinary since 2013. Before, there was nothing at all. We came with a new generation with coach Martins whom I would like to thank. Today is the end of a cycle, I prefer to say goodbye with my head held high.


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