Make Badminton Great Again with Frank Hvam

There are probably not many of the slightly older viewers on DR who do not remember childhood badminton games, in the summer, when it was hot and both father and mother were down and swimming in the nearest forest lake.

Maybe that’s why DR2 and DRTV are on their way with a series on the subject, concrete “Danish badminton history”, which despite the many forest lakes and the past play with rackets, has faded more than good.

Therefore, the eternally funny Frank Hvam has decided that DR2 and DR TV will be the place where he dedicates his “own love of the game”.

As we understand it, the plan is for Frank Hvam to “look at what Denmark has achieved in badminton”, and “how the sport has developed over time”.

All in “the quest to find the formula we have in Denmark, which has again and again secured us the victory”. (in badminton are we guessing?)

Those who are old enough can (perhaps and still) remember that the country has produced a myriad of world stars in this sport.

Personalities such as Lene Køppen, Camilla Martin, Peter Gade, Flemming Delfs, Poul Erik Høyer and of course Viktor Axelsen, have all started with the mentioned yonex, which for the uninitiated (probably) is still the most used badminton racket.

Badminton is – admittedly – still a popular sport among DR2’s viewers

Frank Hvam explains:

-I simply have such a hard time understanding why badminton is no longer quite as cool as in my childhood, when Denmark still delivers some of the best players in the world, he starts and continues.

-When I say today on the stand-up stage that I have been playing badminton for 11 years, people laugh a little. Badminton is almost a joke in itself. Why do people smile? No one laughs when I say I’ve been playing tennis for seven years. What has happened to my beloved sport? I have now set out to find out how to get the bling bling value in badminton a few nicks upwards so that the sport does not keep getting behind the wheel of tennis and football, he concludes.

Viewers who choose to watch and have fun with Frank Hvam, can therefore look forward to a “sports-historical look back”, where – we guess – the viewers will experience the now soon 70-year-old Lene Køppen and other well-known badminton players that DR already has pictures of in the archive.

In each case, Frank Hvam and DR promise that the comedian will “talk to experts and former and current badminton stars”, about “the many sporting triumphs” supplemented by “a long trip” .. in DR’s archives, where there are probably both are fine 16mm footage and other in 4: 3, which emphasizes the “iconic victories” of the past.

As is often the case with topics that are a bit self-limiting, now that the sport can not exactly be called popular anymore, the series is down to three episodes that “unfold the story”, while Frank Hvam examines how the sport and its practitioners can get renewed shine ”.

In the best style, now that there are also other comedians who did not have much to do in 2021, Frank Hvam also talks to Jan Gintberg, Jonatan Spang and Simon Kvamm.

Maybe even about badminton in “Make Badminton Great Again”.


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