In Savigny-sur-Orge, a new appeal filed after the municipal elections

As for the first recourse, it is the candidate Olivier Vagneux who is at the origin of this electoral protest.

The 2020 ballot was invalidated by the Council of State for irregularities. Will it be the same for the 2021 elections? On December 17, five days after the results were known, giving the city a new LR majority, an electoral protest was again filed with the administrative court of Versailles.

At the origin of this new appeal, Olivier Vagneux, candidate for the elections who had already succeeded in having them annulled for the first time. In question, a problem of grammage: ” All or part of the election propaganda “From his competitor LREM Alexis Izard would have been” printed in 80g instead of the regulatory 70g, preventing them from being sent in “election” envelopes »…

Find the full article in our January 6 edition.


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