HERE, the logical puzzle of the moment | You have 5 seconds to find the golf ball in the image: 98% did not overcome this viral challenge | Visual riddle | USES

As we know how much you love , in this note we introduce you to a truly difficult one to overcome. What does it consist of? You need to find the golf ball in the picture, but you only have 5 seconds to do it.

The challenge that we present to you here is not like the others that circulate on the Internet. 98% of participants were not able to say “I made it”. This statistic shows the high level of difficulty of the challenge.

Many users of Facebook and other social networks argue that the visual puzzle is difficult to overcome due to the time limit. It is for that reason that we recommend that you make the most of those 5 seconds. Look closely at the illustration created by so you can sing victory.

Image of the viral challenge 2022

The golf ball is not visible to the naked eye in this illustration. (Photo:

Visual puzzle answer

To all the people who were not able to locate the golf ball, we ask you not to feel bad, as this is a game. You can win as well as lose. They will then be able to find out where it is in the image.

Here's the golf ball.  (Photo:
Here’s the golf ball. (Photo:

What is a viral challenge?

A viral challenge is a perfect entertainment alternative for users who have free time and want to make the most of it. It consists of finding a person, animal, object or number in an image. Some have a time limit and some do not. They are also known as challenges, visual tests, visual or logical puzzles.

What is the origin of viral challenges?

Viral challenges were created in order to amuse people. They gained popularity in social networks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as many users, in their eagerness to avoid infections, stayed in their respective homes. This is where they saw visual puzzles as entertainment alternatives. Today, these challenges are everywhere.



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