Geneva, the archery champion and the post lockdown manifesto: “Take action”

Ginevra Landi, 17, a sports career as a national archery champion (among the most recent awards, gold at the Italian outodoor championships), feels the need to try the experience of volunteering for the first time. “The motivation came from the months of lockdown. I felt the need to do something concrete, human, strong. One day I found a big poster in my city, Grosseto, with the words “Take action, become a volunteer”, I went to see and I decided that it was just what I was looking for ». After the first volunteer orientation meeting with Cesvot, Geneva begins its experience with the Oaks of Mamre.

The activity in which she is involved is that of preparing and distributing food parcels for needy families. “I hope soon to be able to expand my business also to the listening desk, I like being able to have direct contact with people, it is the part that continues to impress me most of this experience”. Despite sporting commitments, Geneva still continues to find a weekly space for the Oaks of Mamre. «It makes me feel good about myself, now I really understand that energy that gives you the experience of solidarity. Here came families who suddenly had nothing left. Thanks to the Oaks of Mamre I had the opportunity to get to know a different part of the world, I understood how important it is to listen to people, to share their story. I realized that when they come to us they feel safe, and it’s great to be part of this relationship ».

January 6, 2022 | 17:47




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