Esp: Depay has fun freaking out the transfer window

After a great start to the season, Memphis Depay subsequently disappointed FC Barcelona with a mixed total of 8 goals in La Liga.

A strong man for OL and the Netherlands last season, Memphis Depay was expected at the turn in Barcelona after his failure at Manchester United five years ago. The Dutch international’s start to the season has delighted Barcelona fans, who thought they had a reliable and consistent striker with Memphis Depay. But after a great start, the ex-captain of OL quickly marked the footsteps, to the point of making a few passages on the bench. Criticized by Barcelona supporters in recent weeks, Memphis Depay has even been linked with exit rumors by the Catalan press, which for example imagined its exchange with Alvaro Morata this winter.

Depay, weird clues on Instagram

But for Memphis Depay, there is no question of leaving and the former Lyonnais made it clear after the success of his team against Mallorca (1-0). “My goal in 2022 is to win titles, that’s what I came for. We know we have to improve, but we are working hard and the victory against Mallorca is important for the standings and to put Barça back to the place it deserves ” launched Memphis Depay, whose sometimes provocative attitude, especially on social networks, still has something to question. On his Instagram account, the former Olympique Lyonnais and Manchester United striker, for example, deleted his profile photo, on which he was seen with the FC Barcelona shirt. He also deleted his biography, in which it was written that he was a player for the Catalan club. Clues contradicting his recent declaration and which make his situation totally illegible during this winter transfer window …


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