Do you want to practice a sport? Summer 2022 workshops began at Pan-American venues | News

In order for the participants to enhance their skills, self-control, and release the stress caused by the pandemic, the Pan-American venues opened their doors for various summer sports workshops.

The Special Legacy Project reported that the summer workshops are held at the Legacy headquarters of the National Sports Village (Videna); Costa Verde Pan-American Complex, in San Miguel; Andrés Avelino Cáceres Sports Complex, in Villa María del Triunfo; the Villa el Salvador Sports Center and the High Performance Surf Center, in Punta Rocas.

Although classes started today, registration is still open and interested people must enter, here.

The sessions last 45 minutes and capacity is reduced for each session that it will continue to respect the biosafety standards required by the health authorities, as happened during the national and international competition stage, organized at the Legado headquarters.

Sports workshops

The classes are in charge of teachers of sports federations, including swimming, Diving, Artistic Swimming, Water Polo and Sports Apnea, from the Videna Aquatic Center.

In this same venue, the sessions of Gymnastics, Basketball, Table Tennis, Athletics, Bowling, Badminton, among other sports are held.

Thus, children, adolescents and adults enjoy an agile and practical methodology so that they learn or reinforce their skills, following biosafety protocols.

Other sports venues

At Andrés Avelino Cáceres Sports Complex, in Villa María del Triunfo Triathlon, Swimming, Water Polo, Softball, Psychomotor and Rugby workshops are available; while in Villa El Salvador, Basketball, Climbing, Volleyball, Gymnastics and Badminton.

Meanwhile, in the Costa Verde Pan-American Complex Skating and Skateboarding classes began, in specialized and unique circuits in the country, where the best of the continent compete in international competitions organized by Legado.

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Posted: 1/4/2022



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