Djokovic is free to stay in Australia. Government will decide tomorrow on the appeal.

“I am delighted and grateful that the judge overturned my visa cancellation. Despite everything that has happened, I want to stay and try to compete for the Australian Open. I stay focused on that. I flew here to play one of the major events up front. to fantastic fans. For now I can’t say more, but thank you all for being with me in all of this and for encouraging me to stay strong. ” This is the message posted by Novak Djokovic on Twitter, accompanied by a photo of him at the end of training in Melbourne.

Djokovic goes back to training: “Thanks for giving me strength”. The family rejoices: “ He and justice have won ”

No catch

Novak Djokovic arrested again, indeed no. The rumors that the Serbian tennis player, who won the appeal against the Australian government, was once again in custody were promptly denied. The rumors had started from some Serbian media after Nole’s family, in particular his brother Djordje, said that the authorities wanted to “capture” and “lock him up” again. Meanwhile, while there have been strong clashes in Melbourne between the police and dozens of pro Djokovic protesters shouting “Free Novak”, the stay of the world number one in Australia will be decided on Tuesday by the immigration minister , Alex Hawke. In the event of expulsion, the Serbian champion, who in the meantime has admitted to having contracted Covid twice, risks not entering the oceanic country for the next three years.

The appeal won

The long and turbulent day had started with the news, which arrived after seven hours of hearing amid delays and technical problems, of the appeal won by Djokovic against the decision of the Australian government to cancel his visa. Judge Anthony Kelly, who presides over the case, acknowledged the steps taken by the Serbian tennis player: “ The point that troubles me a little is: what could this man have done more? ”, The words of the judge. The cornerstone of the government’s arguments rests on the fact that a previous Covid infection is not actually considered a medical contraindication for a vaccination in Australia. But the Federal Court of Australia overturned the Commonwealth decision giving the green light to Nole to be able to participate in the first seasonal Grand Slam, starting on January 17th. It was acknowledged that Djokovic was not given enough time to produce sufficient evidence after the tennis player was informed of the government’s intention to cancel his visa. “Mr. Djokovic said he has a medical exemption,” said attorney Nick Wood, arguing that “Australian immunization guidelines provide for the possibility of postponing vaccination by six months for people who have received a diagnosis of positivity to Sars-Cov-2 ”.

Seen at risk again

Hence a new twist. Despite the appeal he won, Djokovic still risks being sent away from Australia. The immigration minister, Alex Hawke, can now intervene personally and still decide to cancel the visa for other reasons. If that happens, the case could go back to court as Novak would risk being banned from Australia for up to three years. So the stakes have increased rather than decreased. The long-awaited decision should come on Tuesday. This is confirmed by sources cited by the local newspapers “The Age” and “The Sydney Morning Herald”.

Djokovic, no guarantee from the Australian government that the exemption would be accepted

” I’ve had Covid twice ”

During the hearing Djokovic confessed to having contracted Covid twice and not being vaccinated. ” I had Covid in June 2020 and one more time recently. I tested positive for the PCR on December 16, 2021 and I was negative on the 22nd ”, reports the “Guardian”. ” I am surprised – adds Novak – that there is not enough information on the very reason why I was granted medical exemption by the independent medical panel of the state of Victoria which confirmed that I met the criteria to enter Australia based, to the criteria that dictated that it is not on the sheet you read to me and that is if I have had a positive Covid PCR test in the previous six months, and I can provide the negative PCR test and sufficient amount of antibodies, then I am granted access and that’s exactly what happened during the whole process. So we provided the medical records: I was PCR positive on November 16th, I was negative on November 22nd. I sent the blood test for my antibodies and I had enough of them and I was granted access to Australia and received the documentation that supported my medical exemption and travel declaration from the federal government. ”

Djokovic blocked in Melbourne, rejection is triggered .. He appeals, Serbia summons the Australian ambassador

New arrest denied

The news of a new possible expulsion of Djokovic from Australia has created a real ruckus. At first there was even news of a new arrest of the tennis player in Melbourne. Rumors initially confirmed by the same family and in particular by his brother Djordje: ” The latest information says that they want to block him. We are currently consulting with lawyers. Novak is with his lawyers at the courtroom and is examining all options. It was a great defeat for the Australian authorities, and for this reason they feel the blow ”, the harsh words on the Serbian private TV Prva. The news of an arrested person, however, was promptly denied by sources of the Australian government and the organization of the Aus Open, cited by the newspapers The Age and Sydney Morning Herald. Later, according to the Telegraph, Djokovic left his lawyers’ office, escorted by police into a crowd of people who had gathered under the building to protest his eventual re-arrest. According to the reporters on the spot there were also clashes between police and demonstrators shouting “Free Novak”: the police used pepper spray on people who were in the way of the car. “I saw at least one protester spit on an officer and several men threw bottles of water at him, hitting multiple agents,” writes Washington Post correspondent Michael Miller on Twitter.

Nadal: “ Right you play ”

So waiting for the news of a possible exclusion of Djokovic, just waiting for tomorrow, he also said on the subject Rafael Nadal, who toned down with a bit of irony: ” On a personal level, I would much prefer that Djokovic not play the Australian Open ”. But then the Spanish champion, fresh winner of the Melbourne ATP, sided with his colleague: ” The right thing is that Djokovic plays the Australian Open ”. In recent days, however, Nadal had criticized Novak’s choice not to get vaccinated: ” Even if I can more or less agree on certain things – continues the Spanish tennis player a ‘Onda Cerò – justice has spoken and I believe that is the thing fairer ”.



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