Djokovic expresses himself – and is back on the field

Novak Djokovic commented on the dispute over his entry to Australia on Monday. The Serb had previously won a court victory. Meanwhile, his family made a memorable TV appearance in Serbia.

Tennis star Novak Djokovic commented on his precarious situation in Australia on Monday. “I am glad and grateful that the judge has lifted the cancellation of my visa. Despite everything that happened in the past week, I want to stay and try to compete at the Australian Open. That is what I will continue to focus on,” said the ” Djoker “in an Instagram post published on Monday afternoon German time, which shows him with his trainer Goran Ivanišević in the Rod Laver Arena.

“I flew here to play in front of the amazing fans at one of the most important events we have. Right now, all I can say is THANK YOU for helping me through all of this and encouraging me to stay strong.” , continues Djokovic.

For the tennis star, who has already won the Australian Open nine times, the tenth title is to follow. The tournament begins in Melbourne on January 17th.

Location still unclear

But whether Djokovic will really be allowed to participate in the Australian Open is anything but certain. The world’s best tennis professional is currently allowed to move freely in Australia, but Immigration Minister Alex Hawke can still make use of his personal right to revoke his visa. A spokesman left open on Monday whether he does that and when a decision will be made. A new assessment of the situation is expected on Tuesday.

However, the Serbian family did not undertake a new assessment of the situation. Mum, dad and brother Djokovic also spoke up on Monday, sharply criticized the Australian authorities and praised their Novak beyond measure, until they broke off the press conference at the end (Read more about this here). A memorable appearance.



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