Deniz Undav is expected to leave the Union this summer, he would have signed up with a Bundesliga club

In the Pro League, Union-Saint-Gilloise bursts the screen. The very accomplished performances of the men of Felice Mazzù, at the head of the D1A with nine points ahead of Club Brugge, do not go unnoticed outside our borders.

And when we think of the Union, we necessarily think of the attacking duo composed of Vanzeir and Undav. They are having a full season. The first city has scored 14 goals in all competitions and made 8 assists in 24 matches. His partner in the attack is him to 19 achievements and 10 assists in 25 games.

According to our colleagues from Le Soir, Deniz Undav has signed a contract to join a Bundesliga club, without specifying the club in question. But fortunately for the Unionists, he should stay until the end of the season in Belgium and join his future employer for the 2022-2023 season.

At the Union, we greatly feared some departures of important players during this winter transfer window, but all the players gave their word to the Brussels management. They will stay until the end of the season.

And rightly so since from week to week, many followers of the Belgian championship say more and more that the Union is capable of being champion at the end of the season.


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