Covid revolutionizes all championships: on Sunday Albese starts again, then Como and San Bernardo

Covid greatly affects the world of sport in Como. The A2 men’s basketball championship stopped today with Cantù blocked on the eve of the trip to Treviglio. The decision was made by Federbasket on the proposal of the National Basketball League. Stop to basketball, therefore, with the moving of the last day of the first round of both rounds of the A2 championship. The round, initially scheduled for today, will be played on January 16th. The S.Bernardo-Cinelandia Park will play in Treviglio. The first two return rounds of both rounds of the A2 championship, initially scheduled for 9 and 16 January, postponed to a date to be defined. At the resumption, therefore, Cantù will restart from the Treviglio match.

Covid also for football and Como still standing waiting to understand when to be able to return to the field after the stop of the races on 26 and 29 December last. The Azzurri were expected from the away match in Cremona on Boxing Day and the subsequent home match against Crotone. Nothing to do here too. The Azzurri resume work on Friday 7 January and are preparing for the resumption of the championship on Saturday 15 in Cremona.

Male and female volleyball also grappling with the problems related to infections. Today no trip for Libertas Cantù to Cuneo (decision of the Lega Volley to postpone the match), while Tecnoteam Albese Volley Como (A2 women) resumed preparation today after the days of Covid and rest for Christmas. The team is practically all back at the disposal of coach Mucciolo and the staff: the next match on Sunday 9 in Casnate with the third return match with the Talmassons (two rounds not played before Christmas and Boxing Day to be recovered).

A month’s stop for all activity except for the top league. Rugby – even the Larian one – stops too. The Federation has suspended all tournaments until January 30th. The block therefore also concerns Rugby Como (Serie C), as well as obviously the entire youth sector. Uncertainty also for the restart of the world of amateur football since the contagious situation leaves no room for great hope.

Complex situation also for Hockey Como which was forced to postpone the last two engagements: the one at the end of the year with Varese and today in Dobbiaco. The Covid infections put the Larian management in crisis (6 positives in the team group from what has been learned). The Italian Federation has taken the decision to postpone the last two commitments of the regular season of the Italian hockey league of biancoblù. Uncertainty about the recovery times of the races here too.


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