“College Baseball” Rare “Left Shot” Dai Hongjun holds victory at critical moment Free sports – archyworldys

Dai Hongjun Holds Victory at Critical Moment (Provided by General Quorum)

[Reporter Lin Youchen/Taichung Report]The National Taiwan Sports University beat the University of Chinese Culture today 5: 3. The fighting power of the enclosure was crucial at the crucial moment. In the 8th round, Taiwan Sport suffered a serious point loss. In response, the right hitter also allowed Dai Hongjun to score 2 strikeouts to resolve the crisis.

Dai Hongjun is approximately 172cm tall. According to him, the fastest ball speed in real combat after changing stance is around 136 kilometers. Lin Zongyi, head coach of National Taiwan Sports University, said, “Shortly after registering, coach Guo (Guo Yongzhi) helped him adjust. In the past, the number of forward strokes was affected by the shape of his body. After switching to the side planes there were more angles to enter the base and the effect was good. a lot of. “

Dai Hongjun said that during the summer of the first year after signing up, he changed his sideways plans on the advice of his coach. He said: “Front fire control was always unstable. After I missed the side shot, Coach Guo asked me if I wanted to switch to the side shot.

Dai Hongjun said that it takes some time to adjust to the placement of the ball, but the more hits the better, the main course of the ball goes from a variable speed ball to a The ball was slippery, and the trajectory of the ball was changing more and more, making it difficult for the players to adapt.

Dai Hongjun is currently in his first year. He said his goal is to consider career planning after graduation. He knows that left hand shots in professional baseball aren’t common and he’ll try harder to challenge.

Dai Hongjun (middle). (Provided by colleges and universities)

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