Cocaine, leaving the ceremony and threats. Russian hockey players definitely know how to fight

As if that wasn’t enough. The Czech team led by coach Karel Mlejnek went through perhaps the darkest scenario ever in the game at the tournament. He lost a preparatory duel with Switzerland, then did not manage a key battle with the Germans, and due to a positive finding in the cabin, he was contaminated by a duel with the Finns.

The coronavirus gradually began to run after all the expeditions, which eventually forced the championship management to cancel the whole event. And when the Czech team was in a hurry to leave for home, the last “cherry” came directly at the airport. Starring the Russian hockey team.

The Russians are defending themselves at the airport after the scandal, the Czech Union will not investigate anything

Inappropriate behavior of the whole team, ubiquitous alcohol and allegedly even smoking in the tunnel leading to the plane. Sborná enjoyed her return to the country with everything, but she also drew Czech young men into trouble.

Eventually, they got home a day later, but when they returned, they began to face allusions from the Russian Federation, which claims that they are the biggest culprit in the shameful expulsion from the plane. But the hockey world is clear: we no longer believe in Russians.

Crazy Artyuchin and his rage in Bratislava

And no wonder. Endless novels could be written about hockey choir cases, but satirical stories would be more successful. The affair and Russian hockey are attracted by such a strong magnet that it cannot be a coincidence.

World Cup in Bratislava, 2011. Hockey witnesses will certainly remember the tense match of the Czech team against Russia, in which the shapely battleship Yevgeny Artyuchin acted as the main “hero”. He stepped on the coach Hadamczik’s charge several times and knocked them to the ice in a disgusting way.

In his interventions, the assignment of the Russian coach was clear. Foul, hurt, destroy. However, the referees inexplicably overlooked his intention and the opponent’s substitution literally laughed in the face of the Czech team.

Source: Youtube

The whole situation mixed up the coach Hadamczik, who even refused to sit next to his coaching counterpart at the press conference. The handshake was then a necessary gesture of decency.

“When I saw Bykov’s assistant and Artuchin slapping our players after the interventions, he laughed and was happy. It was their intention, I don’t understand that he was not punished,” said the Czech coach.

Russian Yevgeny Artyuchin injured the Czech national team two players.

Arthur is a fool, a monster, the Czechs were angry

Threatening a Swedish bench by cutting his neck

But that’s not all. Another affair was cut by Russian hockey players at the world championships three years later in Minsk. That is, especially the coaching choir led by the Latvian storm Znaroks.

In the semifinal match against Sweden, his team already led 3: 1 and uncompromisingly followed the way to the final. However, the opponent failed to control his emotions and just a few seconds before the end, the Swedish striker Backlund knocked one of the Russian players hard to the ground.

Jiří Ticháček in the arms of Jaromír Jágr after scoring his first extra-league goal in Litvínov in the autumn.

The Russians did not behave as they should on the plane, describes the Kladno defender Ticháček

This infuriated the entire Russian substitute, which immediately called for revenge. However, coach Znaroks decided to solve it himself. He started a verbal quarrel with a Swedish substitute, during which he even hinted at his opponent by cutting his neck. The affair was born.

And the coach’s statement on this gesture? An even bigger pearl. “I had a sore throat. We coach here in the big winter, but we only received thin suits. I can hardly talk, “he said after the match. But the attempt at a joke didn’t work out here at all.

Source: Youtube

Leaving the final ceremony and revealing the love of cocaine

Only one year separated the Russian hockey federation from another problem. This time, the whole selection took care of the great disgrace, which, after losing the final with Canada at the championship in Prague, left the ice rink during the ceremony.

“Nothing like this has ever happened in the 29 championships I have attended in person. What the Russian team did is an absolute expression of disrespect for the opponent and this cannot be accepted, “said the then head of the IIHF, René Fasel.

Disappointed Alexander Ovechkin of Russia.

Scandal after the World Cup final? Kovalchuk seduces the Russians to “escape” from the ice at the organizers

At that time, only a few players around the stars Alexander Ovechkin and Yevgeny Malkin remained on the ice, but they also left the area due to another challenge. The incomprehensible behavior at the time cost the Russians more than two million crowns.

Source: Youtube

And there is no need to discuss that Russian hockey players have a big problem with keeping their lives. In recent years, alcohol and drugs have become almost common equipment for local athletes.

Such a hockey striker and Washington star Yevgeny Kuznetsov could talk about it. Throughout his career, he had a close bond with cocaine, but at the World Championships in 2019, paradoxically again in Bratislava, he was finally exposed.

Rus Yevgeny Kuznetsov (center) is rejoicing with his teammates from the goal at the World Under-20 Championship.

Four-year distance for Kuznetsov. He was diagnosed with cocaine in his body at the World Cup

He had to leave the venue immediately before the bronze medal match against the Czech team, after which the IIHF later issued him a relatively strict ban on representation until 2023. But why he received a penalty in the NHL for only three matches remains an unexplained mystery.

Now the Russian rampage at the airport in Canada seems to make sense. There is definitely no need to prove the truth. There is one well-known proverb about the needy goose…



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