China Life Helps the Construction of Chinese Basketball “Taki” The NYBO Youth Basketball Tournament in Wenjiang starts on January 22_Chinese Basketball Association_Development_CBA

Original title: China Life Helps China Basketball “Taki” Construction On January 22, the NYBO Youth Basketball Tournament in Wenjiang starts with a whistle

On January 22, jointly supported by the Youth Sports Department of the General Administration of Sports of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Basketball Association, and the China Sports Association for Secondary School Students, and exclusively named by China Life, the NYBO event focusing on youth basketball blew its whistle in Wenjiang, Chengdu.

The NYBO Youth Basketball Open came into being under the guidance of the State Sports General Administration’s “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Youth Sports” and the Chinese Basketball Association’s “Small Basketball Rules”. Since its birth, it has attracted a large number of teenagers who love basketball. Through NYBO, children learn the good qualities of solidarity and cooperation, mutual respect, hard work and optimism from basketball training and competition; it provides a platform for families to participate in the event for a long time, and creates more parent-child time for families; for grass-roots coaches and referees Provide a practical platform; promote “little basketball”, promote the popularization and development of basketball projects, and help the training of talents in the sports industry.

In 2007, the phrase “if you want to vote, vote for China Life” started Yao Ming’s beautiful journey to become the spokesperson of China Life’s global image. In 2020, Yi Jianlian will serve as the company’s brand ambassador, and will inject new vitality into the development of China’s basketball business together with China Life.

Over the years, China Life has always worked with basketball enthusiasts and professionals to draw a picture of the dream “basket” belonging to Chinese basketball, and support the basketball career from the top to the base. Since becoming the first official main sponsor of the CBA League in 2017, China Life has joined hands with the CBA for many years to continuously promote this national large-scale sports event.At the same time, China Life is also continuing to help the development of “small” dreams, and continuously accumulate backup force for Chinese basketball. Up to now, China Life has been named the NYBO National Youth Basketball Tournament for 5 seasons, and is committed to giving full play to the brand demonstration role of youth basketball tournaments, providing a broad stage for the majority of young people, and contributing financial and insurance forces to the training of China’s basketball reserve talents.

In addition, China Life also provides support in terms of insurance, and has launched a professional insurance for basketball events-CBA player contract insurance, which fills the gap in disability insurance for CBA and even Chinese athletes. At present, this specialized type of insurance has accumulated tens of millions of yuan in insurance claims. China Life said that in the new season, the coverage will be further expanded to help the professional development of basketball in China reach a new level.

Cover reporter Dong TiangangReturn to Sohu, see more


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