CAN: end of the discord with Watford, lsmaïla Sarr will finally join Senegal

If proof were needed of the reluctance of Premier League clubs to release African players for the CAN, which begins on Sunday, Ismaïla Sarr’s situation is undoubtedly one of the most eloquent. The 23-year-old striker was at the heart of a dispute between the Senegalese Federation (FSF) and his club Watford, 17th in the English championship.

The FSF accused Watford on Sunday in an angry statement of “blocking” the player and seeking “by all means” to prevent him from playing with the selection. The management defended themselves by issuing a statement to say that the player had not recovered from a knee ligament injury contracted on November 20 against Manchester United, and that the club had duly informed his federation. Without knowing the reasons for this turnaround, the former Rennes player was finally able to leave London on Tuesday to join the national team in the evening.

The Senegalese, among the favorites of the competition as well as Algeria, defending champion, must take off Tuesday evening after being received by President Macky Sall. They were grouped together on an internship in the Dakar suburb of Diamniadio where they were joined on Monday by Premier League stars Sadio Mané and Edouard Mendy.

FIFA granted the clubs permission at the end of December to keep the players affected by the CAN until January 3, less than a week before the start of the continental competition.


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