“Belgium will play the final of the World Cup”

At 72 years old, Georges Leekens himself admits: “I am on vacation every day”. But it is not for this reason that the former coach of the Red Devils has radically turned his back on football. And this, whether it is because of his indefinable love of the football or to maintain close contact with the professional world.

The year 2021 was marked by the Euro won by Italy, a nation that took out the Red Devils at the quarter-final stage. With hindsight, how do you analyze the journey of the Belgians?

We asked our national team to do great things and they succeeded. But she came across a phenomenal opponent who was successful at the gates of the last four. The shape of the moment made the difference in this meeting at the top.

Can we consider this performance as a failure?

Given the situation at the start of this competition, namely the return from injury of Axel Witsel, the fact that Kevin De Bruyne was playing under infiltration or even the overall level of Eden Hazard in lack of playing time in his club, we had maybe set the bar a little too high.

For you, the results are therefore not negative!

There is even one thing that I find very positive: the change in mentality of the Belgians. Before, we were satisfied with a qualification for a big competition. Now we want to win them all.

It is rather logical given the level of the Devils in the club …

Absolutely. But be careful not to put too much pressure on their shoulders. With our favorite status, we were eagerly awaited at the Euro. But in decisive meetings, it’s the details that make the difference. I also find that the Devils have made too many small mistakes. And not just defensively. With a playful team like ours, you have to keep some offensive pressure for 90 minutes. Even more if the extension comes to be whistled by the referee. Unfortunately, we have not always succeeded in putting this often decisive strategy in place.

For you, has Italy deserved its title?

Clearly! We saw a solid block capable of defending and attacking in groups. Realism then made the difference for a very intelligent team collectively. And then, it must be admitted, a certain dose of luck is necessary to achieve its ends. Italy has not lacked.

In 2021, Red Devils fans also hoped to see their country triumph in the Nations League. Still missed!

Remember the semi-final against France. The Belgians achieved a first period of fire. We were leading 2-0 and the level of play was very high. If the French rested during the first act, they accelerated the pace of the debates thereafter. As for the Devils, they thought more about defending rather than going to the conquest of a 3rd goal. They had a lot of difficulty managing the pressure, were often second on the ball and were unable to take advantage of the spaces behind the backs of opposing defenders. And then, they gave too many gifts …

Against Italy, rebel with a defeat synonymous with 4th place in this new competition.

This match counted for almost nothing. And then, we still all had the scenario of the semi-final in mind. At 2-0 against the France team, we must close the shop.

Two competitions, zero titles. Is this a failed year for the Belgian selection?

Not at all. It was even an interesting year. Young people have received a lot of playing time within the national nucleus. I am thinking of elements like Doku, De Ketelaere, Vanaken or even Castagne. These are players who have gained experience alongside a golden generation that has yet to say its last word. Overall, I also appreciated the mentality of our Red Devils.

In 2022, it’s time for the World Cup in Qatar. Can Belgium dream of the supreme coronation?

For me, the Red Devils will compete in the final. Then, if we do not make mistakes, if we do not offer gifts to the opponent and if the communication within the group is positive, we can win this competition.

Who will be the Belgians’ main opponent?

France, once again… Didier Deschamps has changed his mind by offering a new chance to Karim Benzema. This further densified the offensive sector of the Blues. They were and will be formidable again during the Qatari World Cup.

Interview by Yannick Goebbels



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