Basketball / N1M: Dax-Gamarde wants to continue

Victory that is a miracle for some, a team that does not give up for others. In the end, it does not matter, as long as thanks to a shot at the buzzer from Cédric Mansaré, the scenario was favorable to the DGB (84-85) Tuesday on the floor of the JSA Bordeaux: “We are very happy, simply admits Denis Mettay, the degbeist trainer. This victory brings us a lot of morale and …

Victory that is a miracle for some, a team that does not give up for others. In the end, it does not matter, as long as thanks to a shot at the buzzer from Cédric Mansaré, the scenario was favorable to the DGB (84-85) Tuesday on the floor of the JSA Bordeaux: “We are very happy, simply admits Denis Mettay, the degbeist trainer. This victory gives us a lot of morale and we finally managed to reverse fate in the last two seconds ”.

However, led almost throughout the meeting, Dax-Gamarde suffered, as Mettay admits: “We plunged into the third quarter and we were far from considering this victory. Subsequently, our captain D’Almeida put us back on the right path before individual talent spoke, including that of Cédric. It has finally fallen on the right side ”.

“We got out of it”

Favorite on paper in terms of the ranking, the DGB saw the scoumoune follow him again and again. To the already known absences of Travis Cohn and Baptiste Lafargue, were added to the list those of Eric Bosc and Baba Samaké, both positive for Covid. “The worst thing is that the regulations provide for the postponement of the match with 3 positive cases and not 2, adds Denis Mettay. Fortunately, we got away with it ”.

Tuesday, the surprise was to see on the ground a new element, in the person of Salomon Support, leader referenced in N2M and N3M. “He comes from the Paris region where he has evolved in recent seasons, in Tremblay and Coulommiers, informs the DGB coach. He hadn’t played for 18 months because of the pandemic. In November, he contacted us to find out if he could come and train with us. You have to know that he comes completely on a voluntary basis, his goal being to show himself, to relaunch himself ”.

The injuries forced the staff to put him on the field much faster than expected. “Circumstances made him join the group. Good for him and for us ”.

With this very precious victory, here is the DGB which can once again hope to grab this coveted 10th place, synonymous with direct maintenance. “The players, and this from the start, are fighting like hunger pangs on the pitch. What matters is what we show and we will see at the end of the first phase whether or not we deserve what is happening to us. Today there are 9 games left. We came back to two victories for Olonnes. It is up to us to do what is necessary to close this gap ”.

Hold the duels

This Friday, with the arrival of Vitré, Dax-Gamarde hopes to continue in order to extend hope. “We hope to recover either Eric (Bosc) or Baba (Samaké), or even both. Everything will obviously depend on the results of the tests ”. Vitré, a team that does not succeed at all in the Landes, the latter having never beaten the Bretons since they evolve in N1M.

“We will have to stop their offensive collective a little bit,” Mettay analyzes. Holding the duels will be an important factor, too, as will keeping them below the 70 point mark. If we were lucky enough to get Eric and Baba back, we could produce more fast play which, in my opinion, would hamper their interior sector ”.

Will the bad luck finally leave the DGB alone? Mettay hopes so, but doesn’t really believe it. “If she was willing to let go of us, that would certainly work out for us, but it is better to rely mainly on our living forces”.

After Vitré there will still be important deadlines with the reception of Olonnes and a trip to Challans. “To put it simply, it is an imperative victory against Olonnes, warns Mettay, and we will play the blow to the full in Challans. But first there is the match against Vitré and there too, the victory will be very important. “

Dax-Gamarde (11e / 6v-11d) – Vitré (5e / 10v-7d), Friday evening at 8:30 p.m., Maurice Boyau room in Dax.


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