Australia is now canceling a second visa

Dhe Australian border authorities have canceled a second visa that was supposed to secure participation in the tournament in Melbourne: Czech player Renata Voráčová, who has been preparing for the Australian Open for weeks on site, was detained in the same hotel as the one in which she was deported the world number one Novak Djokovic has been sitting since Wednesday.

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Christoph Hein

Business correspondent for South Asia / Pacific based in Singapore.

She is said to have entered the country in December with a similar exemption from Tennis Australia, like Novak Djokovic on Wednesday night. At that time the border guards hadn’t found anything wrong. Voráčová, like the Serb, had stated that he recently had Corona.

The Australian authorities are currently combing the list of players – those who are already in the country and those who plan to enter these days. Allegedly three of the total of 26 with special permits, including Djokovic and Voráčová, are already in the country – it is currently completely open whether this will lead to further expulsions of players from Australia.

“Djokovic can leave the country”

Djokovic and the 38-year-old Czech are in quarantine at the Park Hotel in Melbourne. The Serb’s relatives said he was “in custody”. The Australian Interior Minister Karen Andrews strongly contradicted this on Friday: “Mr Djokovic is not being held in Australia, he is free to leave at any time, and the border guards will make it possible for him to do so.” However, the 34-year-old makes no move to leave the country to leave – he wants to wait for the judge’s verdict on his expulsion, which is expected on Monday. On Friday Djokovic got in touch via Instagram and thanked the “people all over the world for their continued support. I can feel it and I really appreciate it, ”he wrote.



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