On the under 55 kg podium: Nassim Nasibov, Clement Lacreu and Theo Vuillemin

Tommy Dubousquet and Nicolas Alverni

Back to the competition Minimes South Zone which took place in Argelès-sur-Mer this weekend.

This competition brought together the first four of each departmental final of last November (departments of Aude and Pyrénées-Orientales); those who finished on the podium on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 January qualified for the next regional final, scheduled for Saturday 12 February in Toulouse.

The team ofCatalan Country Judo Agreement !

The medalists of the weekend reunited.

For’Catalan Country Judo Agreement (Albères Judo Club + Judo Club Illibérien-Elne), there were four qualifiers:
* Tommy Dubousquet – 66kg
* Nassim Nasibov – 60kg
* Clement Lacreu – 60Kg
* Théo Vuillemin – 60Kg
(under the support and benevolence of their trainer Nicolas Alverni).