Ancelotti changes his mind

Tomás González-Martín



Davide Ancelotti tells her to his father that we have to change in the Nuevo Los Cármenes, but Isco enters the lawn very late. So late, that the man from Malaga, with little genetic discipline, with the DNA of Arroyo de la Miel, has left to warm up because it tells Pintus that he is already warm, physically and mentally. In El Collao Alcoyano, with the Cup qualifying round decided, Ceballos
he gets angry because he is only going to play three minutes and makes disapproving gestures that also show his professional lack of respect for the coach. They are events immersed in an “ancelottian” philosophy of not making substitutions, a policy that Davide, his right hand man, asks him to reconvert.

Your child analyzes that it is better to make two or three changes before the seventieth minute, to give energy to the team, and then spend the five relays without waiting to burn them until the last seconds, unless it is to waste time.

It has finally convinced him. Against Valencia he made rotations before and executed all five. And Real Madrid played at pleasure with Camavinga, Ceballos Y Valverde in the center of the field.

Ceballos, Camavinga, Nacho, Rodrygo and Valverde, formerly a permanent starter with Zidane, need to play to do so with confidence and not feel parked

Outstanding leader, the sports manager of the white team has been criticized for that conservative facet of not using the luxury bench that he owns, a position that leads to the extreme of not having future kids like Blanco, Miguel, Arribas and Marvin, who played with Zidane, now overtaken in his head by Peter and Rafa Marín. Let’s be objective: Ancelotti does not have the kids from Raul. Just peter, fast and artist in dribbling, he loves it. Davide has begged him for a variation in his vision of things that works and makes football players jaded by his ostracism.

Everything was nice on Saturday at the Bernabéu. Camavinga and Ceballos they enjoyed 23 minutes of football and felt very good, protagonists. Valverde and Nacho had ten because Guedes goal, that 3-1, made the technician put the brakes on so as not to distort the eleven with five changes at once. Isco came in at the end to maintain possession. It is the beginning of a great friendship with the sharing of efforts, an ideology that until now had not been fulfilled.

At the club I was wondering that, with such a powerful squad, men like Valverde, starter with Zidane in various phases of the last two seasons, it would have gone into reserve and received no minutes. The Uruguayan was losing confidence and it was increasingly difficult for him to perform, because he did not have time on the pitch to demonstrate his virtues. The same thing happened with Camavinga, what it went from more to less. Now, the young Frenchman has become important again. Ancelotti has noticed. If you give young people confidence they will perform better every day, but if you keep them anonymous your contribution will be less and less.

Has changed. He will no longer concentrate his five changes in the final twelve minutes, which sounded like relays for the gallery, to collect bonuses and not complain. The players were already complaining. No they just want to receive more money, they want to play.

Davide spoke with the footballers and told them to be calm, that this was going to change and it has been. He spoke with his father. Relays are also good for avoiding injuries to veterans. The seventy minute is critical. And the alternates luxury must feel part of the leadership. Ceballos, Camavinga, Nacho, Rodrygo and Valverde, formerly a permanent starter with Zidane, need to play to do so with confidence and not feel parked.

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