WTA is right about Peng’s problem: ITF should do the same

“We don’t want to punish millions of people, so we will continue to organize both junior and senior tournaments that are currently on the ITF calendar in China.” These are the words of David Haggerty, President of the International Tennis Federation (ITF), opposite the BBC.

“We must remember that the ITF is the global governing body for sport and one of our responsibilities is to develop the roots of tennis,” continues Haggerty: “As a tennis association, we support women’s rights.

Peng’s allegations need to be evaluated and we will continue to work directly and behind the scenes to resolve this situation. We will continue to analyze the situation, but we believe that the development of tennis and its availability around the world are really important elements, “concluded the ITF President.

A position that is therefore very different from that of Steve Simon, President of the WTA, who in the last few days announced the cancellation of all WTA tournaments planned for 2022 between China and Hong Kong, including the WTA finals that will take place in Shenzhen were planned.

A strong, courageous decision that had a great media impact but found little support. For example, the Men’s Association (ATP) limited itself to distributing a letter of support and not much more.

WTA is right about Peng’s problem: ITF should do the same

However, there was no lack of criticism of this clear stance by Steve Simon and the WTA he represented. Obviously, the figure of David Haggerty belongs to this second line of thought and with it also the ITF, which, as mentioned, will not give up the Chinese stages of the 2022 calendar in both junior and senior tournaments.

What it seems is that the WTA is right on Peng’s problem: the ITF should do the same, not only (rightly) protect a movement’s economic interests, but also protect the physical and psychological integrity of its players.

Flavia Pennetta has also commented on the sensitive topic in the last few hours. The former Italian champion made interesting statements to the Adnkronos news agency: “There are so many gray areas in this matter that only Peng Shuai can clear up.

We only know that she disappeared on November 2nd after writing the post accusing a senior Chinese party official of abusing her, and what the Corriere della Sera published today.

In the past month she has only appeared in one tennis tournament where she rewards some children. What I want to say is that the whole tennis family is with her. We hope to see you again soon, to smile and speak freely again.

The associations of WTA and ATP players have done well to take a clear position and suspend tournaments in China until this sad story is clear. We hope as soon as possible. ”


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