Women’s PSG: during his hearing by the PJ, Hamraoui mentioned “threats” from Diallo after the attack

New episode in the Hamraoui-Diallo affair. While the two players are still absent from Parisian collective training but follow individual sessions, an altercation allegedly took place between Aminata Diallo and Kheira Hamraoui’s bodyguard on November 25 on the sidelines of one of these sessions, at the Bougival training center. In any case, this is what Kheira Hamraoui said during her hearing by the judicial police of Versailles on Monday. According to information from M 6, which we are able to confirm, Hamraoui indeed explained that Diallo would have uttered threats to her bodyguard, targeting her directly. Hamraoui also referred to these threats in a letter she sent to the investigating judge.

In a statement, Aminata Diallo’s lawyer denies these threats, citing “new false and infamous allegations”. “Aminata Diallo is, to date, completely out of the question in this file, continues Mourad Battikh. The eccentric track of a sporting rivalry was ruled out by the police officers of the judicial police following an unfounded police custody. “

Victim of a violent assault on November 4, the player of PSG was heard again according to information from the parquet floor of Versailles (Yvelines). The French international was “questioned about his personal life” by the judicial police, in particular on his links with the former international Eric Abidal, but “no significant element” emerged from this hearing. The daily L’Equipe explained, for its part, on Friday that the two players had been gathered around a mediator on Thursday. They notably mentioned their desire to “resume a normal life” and to play together again. This new episode proves despite everything that the situation is not appeased and will relaunch the case.


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