Wizards, Rui Hachimura leaves with the team: I’m finally close

Good news for Washington Wizards. After some time it is about to return Rui Hachimura, who will start with the team in the away match in Denver. The player has been absent from the court for a long time now, due to personal matters, but this trip of his actually represents a step forward for his return.

At the moment, however, Hachimura is not yet ready to play. He played some 1-on-1 workouts with contacts, but not with his teammates, but with team coaches. The his recovery it is still a long and constant process, but it is making excellent progress. In fact, training sessions are assumed in the next few days 2vs2 and 3vs3 against teammates. And, within the two weeks it will also be possible to reach the final 5vs5, which would complete the recovery cycle.

Anthony Gill, Washington Wizards winger, wanted to comment on Hachimura’s return to the team group, saying he was very enthusiastic: “It’s really nice to have him back. His spirit during training, what he transmits inside the structure, is truly incredible. He is going through a very difficult personal time, but every time he gets here he leaves everything behind as a professional. He is simply an excellent teammate from every point of view. “

Rui Hachimura, gift to comrades

To confirm the player’s goodness, there is also a gift made by Hachimura same to all his companions. Before leaving for Denver, after a practice, he had one in each of the lockers watch of its line: il “Rui Hachimura G-Shock”.

All time Anthony Gill commented on this gesture on the part of the companion: “This is my first watch since high school. It’s the Rui Hachimura G-Shock, I love it. I will wear it every single day. Rui is a great guy and I think he will help the team not only on the pitch, but off the pitch as well. He blessed us with this watch and we are all grateful. “

Rui Hachimura in his first two seasons in the league, he racked up 13.7 points per game, 5.8 rebounds and 1.6 assist. All shooting with 47.3% from the field. He is a very young boy, of alone 23 years with great talent. The hope is that we can see him again on the parquet as soon as possible, hoping he has beaten once and for all his problems that are keeping him away from what he loves most: the game of basketball.


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