Violence in sport: Contact point for those affected by violence and abuse in the construction phase

Status: 16.12.2021 9:14 a.m.

The Athletes Germany Association is starting to set up an independent contact point for those affected by violence and abuse in top-class sport. This was announced by the representatives of the senior athletes. The point of contact is intended to offer those affected, among other things, initial psychological and legal advice.

There is no such thing as yet: A contact point, independent of clubs and associations, for those affected by violence in sport. The need is great. The recently published study “Safe in Sport” made this clear once again. Accordingly, more than two thirds of the respondents stated that they have already experienced violence in club sports. Those affected have confirmed this in many conversations.

So does the former soccer player Nadine. She had told the WDR magazine “Sport inside” that as a ten-year-old she had experienced the most serious sexual assault by a supervisor at the time. She also talked about it at a public event almost a year ago and then said: “This is my story, do something with it.”

Until then, from her point of view, nothing had happened except conversations. The establishment of the independent contact point is now an important sign for them that concrete action is now being taken. “The contact point is also being set up because there are specific cases, and people who are already reporting and who need help now. This is the reason to act specifically. I think that’s incredibly good,” she told the sports show.

New federal government supports safe space plans

The former soccer player is actively involved in the development process of the contact point. The association Athleten Deutschland attaches great importance to the expertise of those affected in the development and implementation, explains Johannes Herber, managing director of the association on request: “We will receive extensive advice to ensure that the processes are designed in such a way that those affected can participate That, if you so wish, anonymity is always guaranteed. On the other hand, we also need your advice about the language with which we address the athletes so that trust can be gained. “

Athletes Germany has been increasingly contacted by those affected in recent months. The club had to work against violence and abuse in sport made one of his core themes. Among other things, he had the Idea of ​​a center for safe sport brought into the debate.

The new federal government supports the plan of this independent, superordinate structure. The center should take care of prevention concepts and their review, work on specific cases and their sanctioning and support clubs and associations in dealing with them.

Trust in structures must be created

For the support of those affected, the contact point that is now being created is the first practical component in the whole. The position is still in the development phase, “but if someone wants to get in touch now, we are already able to forward those affected to competent people,” confirms Johannes Herber. But even if those affected from popular sport report, they will not “slam the door in their face, but rather pass them on to the appropriate points in our network”.

Within the sports structures, there are already contact persons for the topic at regional sports federations and professional associations. In conversations, however, many of those affected stated that they had no confidence in the sports structures, for example because it was unclear what actually happened with their report, or because they lack the will to act.

For those affected, such as the former soccer player Nadine, it is therefore important “that the contact point is oriented towards the needs of the athletes, their rights are seen and protected, and that this is independent of the major sports institutions”.

Athletes Germany want to lead the way

The Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI), which is responsible for sport, also presented a concept in September for a “contact point for those affected by sexual violence”. The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) submitted a written statement to the BMI, a spokeswoman for the ministry said on request: “In this statement, the DOSB basically supports the establishment of such a contact point.” The federal states also welcomed the plans in principle.

The new management of the BMI had been informed about the project. “The next steps will probably be decided shortly. Implementation in 2022 is basically conceivable.”

The Athletes Germany Association welcomes the fact that the Federal Ministry of the Interior has become active on the subject and has presented a concept for a point of contact. “But we just noticed that we could go ahead thanks to our agility. We had also secured the financing and said we would start now because the need exists,” says Johannes Herber. The position could start working in a few months.

“I’m happy that things are starting now,” explains soccer player Nadine and is probably speaking from the soul of many of those affected.



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