Villefranche-de-Rouergue: eleven volunteers from sport and community life congratulated for their commitment

The municipal council chamber of Villefranche-de-Rouergue town hall was recently the scene of the bronze medal ceremony for Youth, Sports and Community Life.

This prompted the mayor, Jean-Sébastien Orcibal, to say when he greeted the officials and the recipients: “Citizen engagement will be fully honored in this boardroom, a center of democracy.” Claude Gannac, delegate of the departmental medalists committee for the Villefranche sector, succeeded him. This year, due to Covid-19, the awarding of the bronze medals awarded for at least six years of associative engagement is now done by sector.

Unpaid volunteers who are priceless

Patricia Michalak, president of the departmental committee of medalists for Youth, Sports and Associative Engagement of Aveyron, Éric Cantournet, Jean-Pierre Masbou, departmental advisers, Pascal Mazet, regional advisor, and Guillaume Raymond, sub-prefect of the constituency of Villefranche-de-Rouergue, did everything in their power to say all the good of “these volunteers who work in the service of others, these volunteers who are not paid because they are priceless …”. Claude Gannac then called the promoted for the year 2020 and those for 2021 who were awarded the medals.

Promotion 2020

Lætitia Fenelle (judo), champion of France 3rd division, Europe and the world veterans in 2020, trainer in Judo-Villefranche; Jacques Andurand (football), former president of Stade Villefranchois, current municipal councilor; Guy Cournède (pétanque), current president of Pétanque livinhacoise; André Guiraudie (hiking), president of the Villeneuve hiking club; Marie-José Moysset (associative life), Villefranchoise, former departmental president of parents, member of Anacr and president of Udaf Aveyron; Florian Thompson (associative life), president of the French committee of Villefranche, current municipal councilor.

Promotion 2021

Jean-Paul Acquié (sports and community life), former basketball player, former footballer, former member of Open Tables and president, from 2010 to 2020, of the Villefranche festival committee; Monique Jarlan and Monique Rossignol (associative life), co-presidents of Livre Franche; Gérard Lacomme (karate), 6th dan black belt, national referee and initiator at Rieupeyroux; Marc Porte (hiking), member of the departmental committee and trail leader in Livinhac-le-Haut.


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