Union Berlin: “We are in total chaos” – Boss Dirk Zingler settles with EVERYONE – Bundesliga

Anger speech from the Union boss!

Dirk Zingler (56) is fed up with the zigzag course of politicians in Germany. In a media round before the members’ meeting of the Iron Party on Thursday evening, he reckons with tough figures.

Zingler clearly: “I would like clear guidance. Crises have to be managed and communicated well. We don’t do any of that. When the Bundestag decides something with a majority and it becomes law. Than it’s so. But we are in total chaos. “

He believes: “People’s insecurity comes from hearing something different every day. What we create as a communicative disaster leads to disinterest on the part of people because they can no longer keep up. Everyone says something different ”.

Therefore, the building materials logistician demands: “We want a clear and understandable policy.”

Zingler has a special tip for Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (54). The fact that he recently campaigned for nationwide ghost games pisses Zingler on. He describes Söder, without naming him, as a “clown from Munich”.

In addition, Zingler defends himself against the opinion that professional football is a pandemic driver. He personally no longer looks through the constant new proposals and regulations. Zingler: “Our country is in a catastrophic state because it was run and communicated catastrophically.”



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