“Today, we do not know if I will shoot or pass”: Kylian Mbappé considers himself more “unpredictable”

Kylian Mbappé confided in PSG TV in an interview that the club chose to relay this Thursday at 4 p.m. There was no question of his future. The French international has poured out his thoughts on tactical issues, managing pressure and his ambitions. He had a few words on the adaptation of Lionel Messi. “Adaptation is faster when the human bond is strong. It helps you, you have fewer complexes, fewer fears. When a new player arrives, he has certainties, patterns that he has worked on. This also applies to Messi who for fifteen years did the same thing in Barcelona, ​​it worked. There it happens here, it’s different. But I think we work on that in training, we create passing circuits, we create things, you get to know the player too. ”

So far, the Argentinian has only scored one goal in Ligue 1. On the other hand, he has five goals in the Champions League, which is the top Parisian scorer in the competition for the moment.

The crack of Bondy returned to his role in PSG where he has played since 2017. Author of 13 goals and 12 assists since the start of the season, Mbappé has never seemed so complete. “When you want to be a great player, a special player, you shouldn’t deprive yourself if you can do both (score or pass). You also show that you can be unpredictable. Today, we don’t know if I’ll shoot or pass. Before, people were like, “Kylian is the team’s goalscorer, he’s going to shoot.” It’s maturity, too. I grew up and understood that passing is not going to stop me from scoring goals. (…) “

About the pressure weighing on his shoulders at 23 (he will celebrate them on December 20), Kylian Mbappé confides: “I need to feel the pressure, I need to feel the stake, it has always been like that, I always wanted to have responsibilities even if it meant disappointing, I never hid myself, it’s part of the adrenaline rush. The pressure I take it positively, I have no problem with that, on the contrary, I think that it also pushes me not to fall asleep. ”

And to add about his ambitions: “I have always wanted to leave my name in the history of football and I continue my little path. Individual goals are good, but if you don’t win, you only half appreciate. I want to win titles, the Champions League, the Championship and the cup (of France). For the moment we are on the right track, the big deadlines will arrive and that is what we must prepare for. “In the round of 16 of the Champions League, PSG inherited a big chunk with Real Madrid, thirteen times winner of the queen of European competitions


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