Tired of being insulted, Austin Rivers expels two “morons” | NBA

LeBron James is not the only one to ask officials to police the public … Last night, it was Austin Rivers who complained about the behavior of two Thunder fans and at the start of the 4th quarter, As he had just put in a 3-point, the Denver full-back approached one of the referees and pointed to two spectators.

A member of stadium security then approached the two people, and they were asked to leave the room.

« All night long, they lashed out at my family“Said Rivers at a press conference. ” You know, I take a lot of it, and I’m going to take a lot. It’s all because of my dad, and it’s been like that since I was 14. People like to talk about me. There were two little morons sitting at the edge of the field, and they gain confidence because they feel like they are important, and they think they are cool, talking to someone like me. I don’t know what they are doing, I don’t know who they are. A bunch of dummies who just talk. I don’t even want to pay attention to them. But there you go, clowns remain clowns« .

If Rivers explains that he is regularly the target of insults from spectators, why did he crack up last night?

“Most of the time, I don’t care… But there it was all the time. Each time, they said something about my father, then someone said something about my sister… And that’s when I said to myself, that I had had a little enough. I don’t want to be portrayed or try to pass myself off as a badass… None of these guys would talk to me like that if I wasn’t on the basketball court. I don’t like people like that. You can say nonsense, you can say I’m bad, things like that, and it’s fair game. But now we’re talking about my family… Imagine showing up where they work, and lashing out at their family while they’re there, while they’re trying to work. … A bunch of morons. I’m glad the referees kicked them out, because if we take care of them, things will be different… ”

Austin RiversPercentageRebounds
2014-15 *All Teams762140.929.867.
2014-15 *LAC411942.730.958.
2014-15 *NOP352238.728.
2018-19 *All Teams762740.631.852.
2018-19 *HOU472941.332.
2018-19 *WAS292439.
2020-21 *All Teams362442.436.971.
2020-21 *NYK212143.036.471.
2020-21 *THE152741.837.570.


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