This is how you should deal with the growing infection in the sport of badminton 1200w, 250w, 700w, 768w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px"/>Allan Høgholm, Badminton Denmark

december 15, 2021 15:32
Written by Jonas Kildegaard Rasmussen

Covid-19 infection is rising as a result of the new Omikron variant. Therefore, Badminton Denmark and DGI Badminton clarify here how you as a member and club should relate to the increasing infection within the sport of badminton.

Badminton Denmark and DGI Badminton follow the authorities’ recommendations in relation to playing badminton under Covid-19. No special restrictions are currently recommended for the sport of badminton. We therefore refer to the recommendations from DIF and DGI.

Click here to read the recommendations from DIF and DGI

In addition, Badminton Denmark and DGI Badminton recommend that everyone follow the authorities’ general recommendations to prevent infection, such as distance, number, cleaning, ventilation, etc.

Click here to read the authorities’ general recommendations

However, we allow to emphasize and refer to the fact that we all have a personal responsibility, so that everyone helps to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in society in general. Therefore, we point out that there is currently a difference in which virus variant you suspect to be potential close contact with.

  • As it currently takes a few days to find out which virus variant you have potentially been in close contact with, it is very important that you are aware of whether you should stay away from training and / or competitions for one or seven days.
  • If you suspect that you may be in close contact with a person infected with the Omikron variant, then it is very important that you stay home in self-isolation until you have received your test result after the third test on the sixth day. This applies both in relation to team matches, open tournaments or training.
  • You have a personal responsibility to make the most responsible decision, not only for your own sake, but especially for the sake of everyone else.
  • If you’re just a little in doubt, then rather stay away from team match (s), the open tournament or training – for everyone’s sake.

Click here and read here what is a close contact and what is ‘other contact’

Pr. Today, the Danish Health and Medicines Authority recommends the following about close contacts – we recommend that you stay updated on, as the recommendations must be expected to be adjusted on an ongoing basis.:

What to do if you are in close contact (2nd joint) with a person who is infected or suspected of being infected with previous Covid-19 variants:

  • If you are in close contact with someone with Covid-19, you can call Corona Tracking on tel. 32 32 05 11 for advice and guidance on which days you are recommended to be PCR-tested and how you should otherwise behave. .
  • The health authorities recommend that you be tested with a PCR test if you have symptoms of Covid-19, if you have a positive rapid test / self-test, or if you are in close contact with a person infected with a new coronavirus. In other situations, it may be a good idea to get tested with a quick test.
  • The health authorities also recommend that you be tested with a PCR test as close contact, even if you have been vaccinated (14 days after the second bite) or have previously been infected with a new coronavirus. If it was less than 12 weeks ago that you tested positive for Covid-19, you do not need to be tested. This is because you can still test positive during this period, even if you are healthy and no longer contagious. However, if you get symptoms of Covid-19, you are advised to get tested.

If you are in close contact (2nd joint) with a person who is infected or suspected of being infected with the Omikron variant:

  • Go into self-isolation immediately, whether you have been vaccinated or previously infected.
  • Get PCR tested on the 1st, 4th and 6th day after you were last in contact with the infected person.
  • The self-isolation can be lifted again after negative answer on the last PCR test performed on the 6th day.

If you are in close contact with a close contact (3rd joint) of a person who is infected or suspected of being infected with the Omikron variant, do the following:

  • There are no longer any special recommendations for close contacts. However, always follow the National Board of Health’s general advice to prevent the spread of infection with Covid-19.

Are you in doubt?

  • Call Corona Detection under the Danish Agency for Patient Safety on tel. 32 32 05 11 for advice and guidance.
  • You can also download the infection tracking app.

Tags: Coronavirus, Covid-19, DGI Badminton
Category: Home, Inspiration, Club News, News


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