“Theo Hernandez more no than yes” LIVE

On the eve of Milan-Napoli, the Rossoneri coach Stefano Pioli speaks at a press conference: his salient statements

The championship weekend offers a great challenge, the one between Milan e Naples. Both formations are bandaged, but who want to send a signal, after a great start, by responding to theInter trying to escape.

Stefano Pioli (screen shot)

Stefano Pioli, Milan coach, does not want to let the ‘cousins’ escape and presents the match at a press conference at Milanello starting at 2.15pm. Calciomercato.it will follow for you his main statements on the latest training at the Rossoneri.

FACING HIGH DEFENSES – “We have to get used to it, whoever faces us is very careful and tries to put us in difficulty. We must be lucid and make the right choices to be effective “.

TABU ‘NAPOLI AND SPALLETTI – “I didn’t know either of the numbers of the Milan col Naples nor of mine with Spalletti, maybe tomorrow we will reverse the trend “.

FLIGHT BETWEEN – “We can’t talk about escape yet, they are confirming their qualities but the championships are not won in December. Last year we were in the lead until the start of the second round, we must always aim to give our best. We want to do better than last year, then we’ll see where we are ”.

TONALS – “Noticeable growth on his part, he can improve even more in offensive and defensive readings. We are a group, we don’t have a single decisive player “.

DROP IN THE RANKING – “We had raced in an exaggerated way before, Inter recovered later. But we are not racing against anyone, only with ourselves. We know that the last few races have not been the best, we have to go back to raising the level tomorrow ”.

INJURIES – “We work to find solutions, we analyzed the problems we had in November by increasing prevention and recovery work. I expect improvements and an increasingly cautious attitude from the players. Playing so often it is easy for someone to miss seven to eight games in a season, but the situation can improve ”.

THEO HERNANDEZ – “The team has responded in these days as I expected, we have worked on the latest difficult situations. Everyone trained very well apart Theo Hernandez who has had some problems and a flu syndrome. He has always worked in the gym, today he is more no than yes but we will still have some time to decide “.

WINTER STOP AND RECALL – “We have to be very careful from all points of view. Last year the decline was also quite normal given our growth process. The break will not allow us to recover particularly and to work in a different and specific way, in January we will have very important matches immediately ”.

AFRICA CUP – “I have no elements to express myself, the club will decide for the best based on the level of safety for our players.”

NAPLES – “The defeat against Empoli came from the result, but not from the performance, he played well and created many chances. I expect a determined team that will aim to win a direct match “.

Calciomercato.it question on the attacking midfielders: given the absences of Rebic e Leao, who can give more a hand from the bench? “It’s a good question. You have to choose the best players to start the game and those to take over, having different alternatives and characteristics to reverse the trend if the strategic game plan does not work “.

TACTICAL KEY – “They play in a mirror image compared to us but up to a certain point, they have a very dynamic midfield. The technical quality and the right choice will make the difference “.

SPRING – “I know the boys well, they train with us and grow well. We hope that someone can reach the first team ”.


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