The women’s second division tournament of the World Cup, in which the participation of the Latvian U18 national team was planned, is canceled

Photo: IIHF

Due to the global epidemiological situation and the rapid spread of the Covid-19 omicron, the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) has canceled six January national youth tournaments.

Among the canceled competitions is the U18 Women’s Championship of the Second Division of the World Championship, which was scheduled for January 21-27 in Istanbul, Turkey. Among the eight participants of this tournament was also the Latvian U18 women’s hockey team, which will not make its debut in the world championship next year either.

The national team was formed last summer with the aim of making its debut in the second division of the U-18 World Championship in Group B in January this year, but this championship was also canceled.

The IIHF has also decided to cancel the Group B and Division 3 tournaments of the second division of the U20 men’s team. The elite division championship, the first division A and B group tournaments, as well as the second division championship have been canceled for U18 hockey players.

The IIHF does not provide for the possibility of rescheduling these tournaments.


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