The wind turns a bug into an incredible tennis point

The wind turned a manifest error into one of the most incredible spots ever seen.

You may think that in the world of tennis you have already seen it all, however in professional sports there is always room for surprise. Or if not, wait until you see the point that took place in this Challenger tournament that took place in Antalya, Turkey.

The protagonist is Fabian Marzosan, a 22-year-old Hungarian tennis player who is struggling to make a name for himself among the racket professionals. Their encounter against the Korean Duckhee Lee, who ended up losing 6-4, 6-1, was marked by the strong wind that hit the track. So much so that controlling the ball was almost impossible. In the images, released by the ATP Challenger Tour Instagram account, you can see how the two contenders find it difficult to put the ball where they want. However, what happened next was out of the question.

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After an exchange of balls, Marzosan tries the right hand when he fails and ends up hitting him with the cane. The ball is thrown towards the right of the screen. Well, those things happen. However, immediately afterwards, the ball returns to the plane, this time from the left, bounces in the opponent’s court and the point is good. Surreal.

The Hungarian, of course, apologizes to his opponent, who tries to react but cannot reach what has been an impossible parable. The point, of course, quickly went viral.

“Incredible”, “the best winning point in history”, “it is impossible that that has gone inside” are some of the comments of the users of Tennis TV, the popular channel that collects the most spectacular or implausible plays in the world of tennis. racket. A unique play that will be very difficult to see repeated.

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