The RPT honors Arantxa Snchez Vicario in Florida

Arantxa Snchez Vicario, winner of 14 Grand Slam titles, between singles and doubles and four Olympic Medals, she can rightly be considered among the best Spanish athletes in history, and is also one of the main defenders of women’s rights in sport.

The Professional Tennis Registry, organization founded in 1989 and at the head of tennis teaching and innovation in it, celebrates every year the Professional Tennis Week, in which the traditional Spanish Tennis Awards are delivered to the Best of each Year. .

The delivery of the XXIX edition, to the best of the year 2020, had to be carried out virtually, due to the coronavirus pandemic. Despite this, the RPT was faithful to its appointment to recognize the work of different personalities and institutions of our industry, which have contributed to the development of Spanish Tennis and the RPT.

Now, coinciding with the Courses for Tennis Coaches of the International Coaches Institute, which are being carried out in the Emilio Snchez Academy in Naples (Florida, United States) and taking advantage of the presence of the ‘Team’, experts, and Arantxa Sánchez Vicario herself, the RPT has presented her with the plaque that was awarded to her then, by the Special Tribute to the Sports Career to the best Spanish tennis player in history.

In the presentation of the plaque for his brilliant sports career, they participated Emilio Sanchez Vicario, President of the International Coaches Institute and Luis Mediero, President of the Professional Tennis Registry.



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