The letter from the MLB commissioner regarding the historic work stoppage


Rob Manfred sent out a dedicated statement to Major League Baseball’s Lockout, primarily addressing fans. What did he say?

Rob Manfred addressed fans.
© Bob Levey/Getty ImagesRob Manfred addressed fans.

It’s official: the owners of Major League Baseball approved the Lockout as of December 2, and the league will enter its first work stoppage since 1994-95. The MLB commissioner, Rob Manfred, produced a letter dedicated to the fans, albeit with a hidden message to the players.

Manfred, who has been the ‘commish’ since 2015, is in an awkward situation and every word he says will be taken with a grain of salt, which is exactly what happened to the letter he sent to baseball fans.

The long-read text can be found on the website of the MLB, and it is a review of the ´official´ requests made by both sides, plus a thank you to fans for refilling Major League stadiums in the first season after the pandemic.

What we can get out of the commissioner’s letter

Rob Manfred was aggressive towards the players, treating them as ´incomprehensible´ before what was offered by the MLB board of directors. In addition, he accused the MLBPA of not being willing to change their position with his proposal.

The commissioner praised the collective agreement reached in 2016, stating that “there is no such beneficial agreement for the players as the one in this league.” One of the final sentences was perhaps the most sensible of the entire statement: ´It’s a tough day for baseballBut both the owners and the players want the best for the sports fans. ‘



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